November 25


Welcome to AutoMagical Marketing Studio!

By snaranjo

November 25, 2019

Hello, my name is Santiago and I am the creator of AutoMagical Marketing Studio. I consider myself as creative professional who has found creative ways of capitalizing on my own talents. Currently, I run a company called DJ Light & Magic, where I provide music and entertainment for various types of special events. 

I love what I do, and I especially love the freedom that comes with owning my own small business. Yes, making a living as a full time DJ has posed numerous challenges over the years, but it has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my life. Not many people can say they make their living by helping other people have a great time.

Now owning and operating a small business, and making a decent living is no "walk in the park". I'm pretty sure that since you’re reading this article, you can relate, right? God knows there have been times that business was scarce and I felt liking pulling out my hair and throwing in the towel. 

This is why I’m here today.  You see, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in trying to grow my own small business. Mistakes that ended up eating up a lot of my time, effort, and money. But from my mistakes, I learned many valuable lessons, and I eventually learned my way around WordPress, as well as building various types of marketing campaigns with software like ActiveCampaign and InfusionSoft (now known as KEAP).  

2 tablets with the ActiveCampaign and InfusionSoft logos

I started with learning how to design and build a basic website. I think I’ve tried every type of website building platform out there… You know the ones, where you take their template, and plug in your own information. 

Yes, these types of websites can get the job done, but they end up looking like so many other cookie cutter websites out there. And if you don’t have a “designer’s eye,” your website can end up looking like a high school project. Not the ideal strategy if you’re trying to create a favorable first impression to prospective clients. 

These types of build-your-own website platforms come with their share of other problems too. Most of them restrict the type of automation and actions you can use on the back end... and they're expensive as heck! And when you have a technical question, you’re forced to to type out  your issue via email, and then wait hours, sometimes days for a response. 

cartoon drawing of 2 people in an office. The standing man says to the woman sitting behind the desk, "Someone calling themselves a customer says they want something called service."

Then, after all that, I tried my luck building my website using WordPress. It was truly  a baptism by fire. I was so frustrated with other website building platforms, that I was desperate to seek an alternative solution. You see, I resisted WordPress for so long because it appeared too complicated. And I just didn’t have the hutzpah or time to learn "yet another software system". 

What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was already spending way too much time searching for that “simple solution”. This quest for the perfect platform ended up consuming way too much of my time, and thus hindering my bottom line. I was “lost in the weeds”  learning to master technical stuff instead of focusing my efforts where they really needed to be

So on the advice of a friend, I took a deep breath and approached WordPress (again), with an open mind, but a clenched grinch heart. Yes, it was a bit of a painful learning curve because there were so many components to work with (it’s an open-source platform after all). With WordPress, a world of possibilities opened up to me. But I must admit, at first all of those options were overwhelming.

But I'm stubborn by nature. I spent the better part of a month learning everything I could about WordPress and rebuilding my website. This was my "hallelujah moment". All the principles I learned on other platforms all came together beautifully inside of WordPress. 

After a while, I grew to become pretty proficient at WordPress. I was really excited about it too (and I still am today). A few of my friends started to take notice, and we would inevitably start talking about their own website, or their internal processes for working with a prospective client. 

What I found was eye-opening. Several of my friends are small business owners, and they were spending WAY TOO MUCH MONEY paying another person or agency to run their website for them. They would rely on another person to design and run their website, or optimize their site for Google ranking. Little did they know that these same people would do a disproportionate amount of work up front while continuing to collect money after a majority of the  work was completed. In the long run, it was way too much money for way too little work. The return on investment just wasn't worth it. 

A few of them confided in me that they were  intimidated or overwhelmed at the prospect of building and maintaining their own website. They were fearful at having to troubleshoot an issue themselves if something went awry. I had one colleague who owned several websites, but didn't even know where or how to access them! What the heck?

I couldn’t imagine what would happen to their business if the agency they trusted with running their website went under, or decided to hike the prices suddenly. I've heard of a few marketing agencies that use such a tactic to “lock in” their clientele. 

These types of agencies put in a little work up front, and continue to charge you every month… but for what? It’s kind of mind boggling when you think about it. I guess capitalizing on others’ fear and ignorance can pay off… But it just isn’t the right thing to do. 

So I love showing others how I built my website using WordPress. To demonstrate how easy it was to take an idea or concept and shape it into a functional web page,  I would take their current homepage to their website, and put it side-by-side a WYSISYG editor I use called Thrive Architect. By doing this, I showed them that we would have a working duplicate of their website uploaded and running within minutes!

Each time I did this I would get a big kick out of their reactions. They would look at me like I was some kind of techno nerd prodigy. Little did they know how easy it really was. So I managed to talk a few of my buddies to jump ship and take back possession of their own website. 

And that is what I want for anybody who needs help taking back control of their own online destiny.  My hope is that I can help other small business owners construct and publish their own beautiful and highly functional WordPress site.

And this is why I started AutoMagical Marketing Studio. I love empowering other service professionals to harness their inner creative superpowers and channel them into their own beautiful websites. Once the technical barrier is addressed and minimized, anything is possible. I especially enjoy witnessing other like-minded people have their own hallelujah moment… That moment when light bulb turns on and they realize that what they thought was impossible is actually very possible. 

I realized that there is a great need to provide an affordable marketing solution within this small niche… solopreneurs who provide a creative service. My passion is to work with a full spectrum of service professionals, from Acrobat to Zither player

If you consider yourself a creative service professional who could use a little help with your website or marketing, then I welcome you to AutoMagical Marketing Studio!

There are three ways I can help you:

  1. If you need help building a brand new WordPress site from scratch
  2. You want to switch platforms and migrate your website over to WordPress, or...
  3. You want to update your current WordPress website. 

If you’re a hands-on DIY type of person who just needs a little bit of encouragement and guidance, then I welcome you. If you’re someone who is more comfortable watching someone else build their website, but would like a more hands-on approach when it comes to building your own site, then I welcome you. Or if you’re someone who wants to focus 100% on your craft or talent, and leave the marketing and website stuff to someone else, then I welcome you too. 

During the next few months, I will be working hard to provide you content that will help you grow your business. My primary focus of course will be on helping you create a beautiful and functional WordPress site.  

I will also cover other areas I feel are important to promoting your small business. For example, how to automate your incoming leads and create a Welcome Campaign designed to convert your prospects into paying clients, all while on autopilot.

I will also provide online tutorial courses that will provide you with useful content, and I will always offer them at a very reasonable cost. In every instance, when you purchase a product or service from me, my goal is to exceed your expectations and provide you nothing less than high value content. 

My very first online course is called Trello Mastery, and I’m very proud of it. If you haven’t heard of Trello, then you must check it out for yourself! I’m in love with this tool. Seriously, this one tool alone was a game changer for me.

And since you made it all the way to this part of my blog post, I’ll sneak in an easter egg for you. Here is a promo code that you won’t find anywhere else. Just enter “TRLMSTR” when purchasing Trello Mastery, and you’ll receive 50% off the price! This is my welcome gift to you. 

So now it’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a line and tell me about yourself. Is there a specific part of your website you need help with? Tell me all about it and I’ll give you my thoughts. Just write me at

If you would like me to notify you once I’ve published a new blog article, or when I’ve completed a new online course, then please make sure to sign up for my mailing list. Until then, I look forward to hearing back from you!

About the author

As the owner and founder of AutoMagical Marketing Studio, my mission is to help independent business owners like yourself achieve optimal success by helping you design and build a beautiful, automated, and optimized website. When I'm not working as a web designer or automation architect, you'll most likely find me in my studio practicing my remix skills with my Denon Prime 4… Or bicycling my way around the trails here in Bellevue, WA. I'm also the proud owner of a mobile DJ company called DJ Light & Magic, which you can find here.

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